Tuesday, November 22

October ...

October was a fun month. Despite battling some sickness, we enjoyed the fall festivities.

Ethan's parents (Grandma and Grandpa) came to visit at the end of the month. They were able to join us for Cowboy Day at Claire's preschool. Since I've worked at the church I've seen them put on cowboy day a few times and I was so excited for Claire to be a part of it this year.

When Claire arrived at school, she immediately grabbed the stick horse and started galloping around. She's a riot.

Claire with her two best school buddies, Summer and Sophie Kate

Claire and Sophie Kate

Claire singing song with her class.

Claire and Miss Laura, her teacher.

Griffin hanging out at cowboy day with Grandpa Holland

Singing Cowboy songs

Griffin, Grandma and Grandpa

There were so many awesome activities for the kids.
Cowboy day is REALLY well done!

Claire loved the petting zoo

Griffin and Grandma

She was the first in line to ride the pony.
It always amazes us how brave she is with animals.

Poor rabbit. :)

We spent Halloween with our friends the Thornton's and the Pulley's. We're creating a tradition of having dinner at the Thornton's then dressing up and heading out Trick or Treating in their neighborhood. It's always SO fun.
My sweet little monkey man

Claire was a monster - she was too cute.
Griffin adores here. He thinks she is the coolest. 

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