Sunday, September 25

Saturday night dancing ...

So behind on blogging about what's been going on with us. Just trying to keep up with two kiddos and a crazy schedule.

If we haven't mentioned it lately - we still really love living in Austin. Yes, we're over the heat and ready for it to NOT be 100 degrees anymore - ugh. Ready for boots and legging weather!

However, we're still having fun outside. Saturday night we went to Ski Shores on Lake Austin with our friends who have a little girl who is almost 3 and a baby Griffin's age. The girls had a blast playing on the playscape and dancing to the live music.

We really appreciate how family oriented Austin is. There are a ton of restaraunts (non-fast food) that have plascapes and live music. Makes for a fun evening out with friends!

Here are a couple of videos of Claire and Miss Bella dancing it up this Saturday night.

dancing on the lake from Kristen Holland on Vimeo.

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