Monday, August 15

Mustang Island ...

We had the opportunity to get away for a long weekend and head to Mustang Island! We went with my cousin, Amanda, and her sweet family and had THE BEST time. We look forward to another trip with them next year! We stayed at a great condo with nothing but beautiful dunes between us and the ocean. It was perfect and hard to leave.

The boys relaxing in the morning

The view from our balcony

Claire loved the ocean again this year. She ran and played for hours.

Claire and I riding the waves in our tubes

Griffin was in nap time heaven - sea breeze and waves crashing.

Ethan had a blast

How beautiful are the dunes? Amanda brought some bunting she made and we hung it between our cars.

Claire and Ellie!

Our beach spot.

 Ethan, Griffin and Claire

Griffin loved sitting on our laps in the shallow water.

 We went out for some family photos one evening but our camera lenses fogged up. 
Here's a cute one of my boys.

Silly boys ...

Claire loves her pretty white dress.

Amanda and Ellie

Moonrise over the ocean

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