Wednesday, July 27

DIY for the kiddos ...

I follow a lot of DIY Design blogs these days. I have about half a million DIY projects I'm dying to try but no time for them. :(

When we were visiting my parents my Mom had pulled out all of the old toys she had saved. Many of them are very cool because they are from the 80's. Love it. She had found a couple of sets of vintage puzzle pieces but couldn't find the puzzles. I wanted to use them for the kids so I'd been trying to think of a way to re-purpose them.

I also had a magnetic/dry erase calendar that I'd been trying to find a use for. 

So I found some scrapbook paper with a cute design

I used doubled sided tape to cover the calendar with the scrapbook paper.

I used hot glue to attach magnets to the back of the puzzle pieces.

Griffin watching intently while eating his fingers.

Finished product. Claire got really excited about it when she woke up from nap.


Sam Bennett said...

what a cute and simple project- love it! :)

Emma said...

Wow, that's nice !