Thursday, March 31

Only days away ...

We are staying busy these days ... much to do before little bub arrives! Thankfully, I'm seeing the end of my to-do list and hopefully will have almost everything wrapped up by the end of next week. Claire has been amazing and gracious during this busy time.

This week has flown by ... on Monday afternoon I was surprised with a gift card shower from a bunch of my girl friends and co-workers. It was a huge blessing. Gift card showers are amazing!

We didn't get a group picture but this was right after they surprised me.

I've been decorating and working on some projects for the little guy, but haven't taken any pictures of anything. My how things change from the first pregnancy! He's got a closet full of clothes, a new bassinet and many adorable blankets waiting on him! All we are really needing at this point is a dual camera video monitor we can use for both kiddos. We've found a great one at Sam's - just saving up for it!

Tuesday evening we had a girls dinner/gift card shower for our friend Sheryl who is due in May. I ended up taking Claire to the dinner and she had a blast. She is such a social butterfly - it's hilarious to watch her work a room. Ethan came and got her when he got off work so I had another hour to just hang out with my girlfriends - it was wonderful. 

Some of our favorite cousin's came into town yesterday and spent the night with us! We had a nice lunch and fun hanging out with them. We are planning to join them in San Antonio on Saturday afternoon for swimming in a lazy river and a yummy dinner! (as long as bub stays put for a little while longer) Claire was really sweet playing with her 9-month old "cousin" Ellie. She was doing better with her sharing - but had her moments. Claire doesn't understand that not all babies can walk. She squats down to their level, tilts her head sideways and pats them on the back before extending her hand to them to help them stand up. It's hilarious but we usually have to intervene and let her know they can't walk like she can quite yet.

We are only like 11 days out from our due date. We had a bit of a scare on Monday evening as I had some contractions but I decided to lay down and drink some water and they eased up. This pregnancy is very different that Claire's so we aren't really sure what to expect with this little guy. For now, I'm just gaining water weight and cracking up when I see pictures of myself. I forgot how bloated pregnant women get at this point - I took this pic tonight of Claire and myself. My faces is so puffy that I have squinty eyes. ha ha.

As I said, I'm wrapping up a lot of things including many design projects before I take a bit of a leave. One exciting project I've been working on has been the movie posters for the documentary Makarios: A Rising Tide. I designed the logo a few months ago and it's been fun to tackle movie posters.

Here is the poster we are using in the U.S.

Here's the one we are using for China!

1 comment:

MissMolly said...

Kristen, I can't wait to see your new little guy and hear what his name is! That's so great that you got a surprise shower!